
NTCA SOP injured during tiger capture in Assam, resulting in tragic death

NTCA SOP injured during tiger capture in Assam, resulting in tragic death

The recent death of a female Bengal tiger during a translocation operation has sparked widespread concern in Assam, northeast India. Wildlife experts have called for a thorough investigation into the cause of the cat's death. The big cat, which escaped from the Orang National Park and Tiger Reserve during the recent floods, was spotted attacking cattle in the Dhing area of ​​Nagaon district. The Orang National Park and Tiger Reserve is a satellite area of ​​the Kaziranga National Park and Tiger Reserve.

After over a month of grueling work to capture the tiger, it was finally tranquilized on August 23, 2024. Unfortunately, the tranquilized animal was found dead the next day when it was brought to the Assam State Zoo and Botanical Gardens in Guwahati. Forest department officials said the tiger had succumbed to its infections, adding that the authorities concerned had “assured that the protocols would be reviewed.”

However, animal rights activists blamed the forest department for the fatal outcome, claiming that “the tiger suffocated during transport in an inadequately ventilated crate.”

“The National Tiger Conservation Authority guidelines mention that it is important to have suitable cages and transport mechanisms that cause as little stress as possible to the captured predators,” said Dilip Nath, a conservationist who was at the site, alleging that forest officials had failed to take necessary precautions.

“I was there all the time and observed the situation. It was a big and beautiful animal. What I am saying is that the tiger was healthy enough to survive if proper precautions were followed. The tiger died soon after tranquillising. The forest department officials have spread this story that the tiger succumbed to its injuries the next day in the zoo just to save their own skin,” Nath replied.

The Bengal tiger is protected under Schedule I of India's Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and is listed as an “endangered” species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). When it comes to protecting the tiger, in addition to the threat of habitat destruction and poaching, conflicts between tigers and humans also pose a greater challenge.

Human settlements are reducing the tiger's prey base – experts had warned and pointed out that conflicts can only be resolved if the wild animals have sufficient protected areas and have no reason to approach human settlements too closely.

The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) contains the basic minimum steps required in dealing with incidents of tigers straying into human-dominated landscapes. The aim is to ensure that stray tigers are dealt with in the best possible manner to avoid injury to humans, tigers, livestock and property.

The recent incident raised numerous questions about whether NTCA guidelines were followed in dealing with the emergency.

A retired forest officer of the Assam Forest Department, who wished to remain anonymous, questioned the decision on the need to relocate the tiger: “If the captured tiger is found to be healthy and young and has no canine teeth or injuries etc., it can be released after fitting a radio collar in a suitable habitat with sufficient prey and away from human settlements. The NTCA will be informed in this regard.”

Need for community support in wildlife management overlooked

The death of the protected species underscores the delicate nature of handling tranquilized animals. There have been a number of unfortunate incidents in the state that have raised serious doubts about wildlife management.

While it may sound absurd, forest rangers actually killed a tiger in Kaziranga National Park on June 17, 2021, when angry villagers urged forest rangers to shoot and chase away the predator that was attacking their livestock. Official sources said the tiger was hit by “accidental” gunfire.

Although an official investigation has been ordered to clarify the circumstances that led to the shooting and subsequent death of the 10-year-old male tiger, such incidents occur in a largely uncoordinated manner throughout the state and reveal a lack of training among conservation personnel in dealing with such emergencies.

On January 15 of the same year, forest rangers killed an Asian water buffalo, a protected species under Schedule I of India's Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. The buffalo, which came from the sixth extension of Kaziranga National Park on the northern bank, triggered panic and killed two villagers in Biswanath Chariali.

Instead of using tranquilizer guns, the forest rangers used bullets to kill the protected animal. We simply cannot call our conservation strategies successful when there are cases where people entrusted with the responsibility of protecting wildlife have 'accidentally' shot valuable wildlife.

Elephants taking refuge in tea plantations have little chance of escaping when mobs pelt them with stones or burning torches. When the pachyderms fight back, their noise becomes so loud that they shoot at the advancing megafaunas. The state forest department must recognise the need to get support for conservation from local communities and consider community voices while formulating policies for a results-based approach to conservation.

The NTCA SOP clearly states that the District Administration and the Police Commissioner of the respective area must be proactively involved to maintain law and order and avoid gatherings by local mobs.

“In all cases where wild carnivores like tigers or leopards invade a human dominated landscape, the district authorities must ensure law and order by invoking Section 144 of CrPC. This is important to avoid disturbances/agitation of local residents around the animal area which may hamper the capture operation and result in serious injuries to people and personnel. It is also necessary that police and local administration are involved at an early stage. Effective collaboration with them is crucial to control mobs which, as seen in several cases, aggravate the situation and lead to avoidable deaths/tragedies.”

A wild animal, if it comes near human habitation, is perceived as a threat, a villain or a killer. It is really painful to see wildlife get such a negative connotation. No wonder then that any valuable wild animal spotted near human settlements either ends up in captivity or pays with its life. There have been countless incidents where angry mobs lynched leopards and paraded their mutilated bodies in front of TV cameras! Such actions raise serious questions about the competence of the department concerned. The intolerance of the masses is equally responsible for the crisis in wildlife management.

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