
Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot Prediction for September 22-28, 2024 | Astrology

Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot Prediction for September 22-28, 2024 | Astrology

(March 21 – April 20)

Love: Judgment

Mood: The World

Career: The Emperor

Someone's insistence on an important matter will prove to be favorable. Whatever you do is likely to bring you good returns. Those who play on the stock market are likely to become rich. A gift from someone you know casually is possible. For some, election to a local body or club is not excluded. Lovers are likely to spend a fulfilling week in each other's company. Organizing a party at home is possible.

Read on to find out your tarot reading for the week ahead. (Unsplash)

Lucky number: 4

Lucky color: Green

(21 April – 20 May)

Love: Three of Wands

Mood: The Moon

Career: Two of Cups

If you meet someone, romantic feelings may awaken in your heart! This is the best time to make your intentions known to the person you love. Newly in love couples are likely to get impatient to see each other. A vacant property may be rented for far less than you expected. You will be able to quell any quarrels behind your back on the social front. Financial gains are to be expected. A professional venture is likely to bring blissful results.

Lucky number: 18

Lucky color: magenta

(21 May – 21 June)

Love: Justice

Tuning: Page of Wands

Career: Judgement

A favorable turn of events is likely to increase your reputation in professional life. Your expertise will be in high demand at work. You will need to stay on top of things at home. Good advice will help you choose the most lucrative investment opportunities. You are likely to earn a lot of money from stock trading. You will take the initiative and organize a social event just to refresh contacts. Spending time with friends will prove to be extremely fulfilling.

Lucky number: 6

Lucky color: red

(22 June – 22 July)

Love: The Emperor

Mood: Justice

Career: Three Coins

Your foresight and analytical skills will enable you to stay one step ahead of your competitors in the workplace. For some, an increase in wealth through inheritance is in the offing. At this point, keeping track of all important academic matters can be crucial. Those who are not feeling well should take time for a complete rest. Love life seems satisfactory. A trip out of town promises to give a boost to your career. Family is likely to support you in your decisions.

Lucky number: 5

Lucky color: Green

(July 23 – August 23)

Love: Devil

Mood: The Fool

Career: Four of Wands

Current developments in professional life will be of your interest. Someone's suggestions in academics can do wonders. Marketing people may find the time productive as achieving goals will not be difficult. Popularity in social sphere is assured as you make extra effort to meet people. Family life will go smoothly and will prove to be extremely satisfying. The frequency of meetings with partner is likely to increase as bonds will get stronger.

Lucky number: 7

Lucky color: Golden

(August 24th – September 23rd)

Love: Knight of Swords

Mood: The Hanged Man

Career: Two of Cups

There is a good chance of meeting someone you haven't seen for years. Luck is on your side, because whatever you do will turn out well! At work, praise awaits you for something accomplished. Financially, you are probably on the right track. A renovation of the house is coming up. You will be able to get money together for repairs and renovations. An interesting person promises to make your trip entertaining. Expect the family to fully support you.

Lucky number: 11

Lucky color: Silver

(24 September – 23 October)

Love: Emperor

Mood: Tower

Career: Page of Wands

You will find yourself doing well academically. Seeing new places and meeting different people is likely to enrich you. If you are looking for true love, look no further, he or she is right around you waiting to be discovered! Some will likely start building a house. Socially, you will remain fully engaged and enjoy every second of it. You will have the opportunity to multiply your money.

Lucky number: 17

Lucky color: saffron

(October 24 – November 22)

Love: The Tower

Mood: Two Coins

Career: The Fool

Everything will go according to plan in your professional life. Travel enthusiasts may have the opportunity to visit exotic places. A burden of less will be a great relief. If you have been thinking about losing those extra pounds, the stars are in good alignment with your plans. Someone who claims a share of your property will not be able to get their way. Innovations in your professional life that you are currently developing will be greatly appreciated.

Lucky number: 8

Lucky color: white

(November 23 – December 21)

Love: Chariot

Mood: The Hanged Man

Career: Three of Wands

Your expertise will be in high demand at work. You will need to keep track of things at home. Good advice will help you choose the most lucrative investment opportunities. Delegating extra work will likely leave you plenty of time at work. The health of an elderly family member will improve. For some, it is not impossible that their already well-filled bank account will be topped up. You are unmatched in health matters and will continue to try to become perfectly fit.

Lucky number: 2

Lucky color: cream

(December 22 – January 21)

Love: The Hermit

Mood: King of Cups

Career: Ten of Swords

A hectic time is ahead for you but you will enjoy it nonetheless. Some of you will expand your circle of friends. A well-coordinated teamwork can help reduce the time for an important project at work. Those who are pursuing further studies may find the environment competitive but you will manage to get through. You will think of getting healthy. Some positive signs regarding promotion will brighten up your professional front.

Lucky number: 3

Lucky color: Blue

(January 22 – February 19)

Love: Wizard

Mood: Nine of Pentacles

Career: Eight of Wands

Review your approach to career to get the most out of it. Your competence is likely to be recognized at work. Dealing with a family problem in a timely manner will save you a lot of trouble later. Playing with stocks or making bets can burn your fingers on the financial front. You will definitely go on vacation to an exotic location and enjoy yourself to your heart's content! You will manage to do regular daily exercise and reap the benefits in terms of health.

Lucky number: 18

Lucky color: Orange

(February 20 – March 20)

Love: Moderation

Mood: Four of Swords

Career: Eight of Wands

This is the time when you can sit back and relax in personal life. An offspring in the family is likely to shine and make you proud. The possibility of getting heartbreak because of a person you have a crush on cannot be ruled out. Your professional goal is likely to be achieved. Some long-term investments may prove beneficial. Those in uniform will be able to make a name for themselves. They may take the initiative and visit a relative out of town. Some are likely to go on a pilgrimage.

Lucky number: 1

Lucky color: peach

(Astrologer, Tarot card reader, Numerologist, Vastu and Fengshui consultant)

Contact: +919650015920

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