
Motorway accident: fall after emergency braking – motorcyclist seriously injured

Motorway accident: fall after emergency braking – motorcyclist seriously injured

A motorcyclist who was driving significantly too fast on Autobahn 96 fell after emergency braking and was seriously injured. How do police The 31-year-old was driving in the left lane near Memmingerberg (Unterallgäu district) in heavy day-trip traffic. The officers spoke of a “significantly excessive speed, not adapted to the local traffic conditions.”

A car driver misjudged the motorcyclist's speed and attempted to overtake him. The biker braked hard, but skidded and fell off his bike. According to police, the man was thrown about 150 meters. The motorcycle hit the rear of the overtaking car and ended up in the ditch. The 31-year-old was taken to hospital with serious injuries. According to police, he was only partially wearing protective gear.

The motorcycle was a total write-off and the car suffered significant material damage. The motorcyclist is now being investigated for dangerous interference with road traffic and for participating in an illegal motor vehicle race. The police are looking for witnesses who can provide information about the motorcyclist's driving style.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240921-930-239287/1

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