
Leuk: High school student injures primary school student – Inselspital

Leuk: High school student injures primary school student – Inselspital

Jan Zenhäusern, head of the Leuk schools, explains: “We notified the medical service, which also involved the police in the incident.” The consequence of the incident: the alleged perpetrator received a reprimand.

However, a warning does not mean that a child is not allowed to attend school. “We do not have this authority, we cannot simply expel a child from school during compulsory schooling, we are obliged, based on the legal basis, to educate the children,” Zenhäusern told the “Walliser Boten”. They are now in talks with the girl's parents, the class teacher, the school management and the school inspectorate.

The victim's father doesn't think that goes far enough: “The student who attacked my daughter should have to change schools. Instead, she continues to go to school as if nothing had happened.” Although his daughter was fine, she is afraid of going back to school. “She doesn't want to meet the student who attacked her and is staying at home for now.” But she doesn't want to change schools.

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