
De la Rosa said: Explain it to the ICC

De la Rosa said: Explain it to the ICC

TWO members of the so-called Young Guns in the House of Representatives on Saturday called on Senator Ronald de la Rosa to explain to the International Criminal Court (ICC) his involvement in former President Rodrigo Duterte's controversial “war on drugs” that left thousands of Filipinos dead.

In a television interview on Friday, de la Rosa refuted the claims made by former Iloilo City Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog before the House Quad Committee on Friday, saying the statement was part of a campaign of destruction against him.

He also reiterated that Mabilog was on the “narco list” because he was one of those who protected the drug lords in Iloilo City.

Senator Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa, (Voltaire F. Domingo/Senate Social Media Unit)

In a statement, Rep. Jude Acidre of the Tingog Party and Rep. Raul Angelo Bongalon of the Ako-Bicol Party said that instead of accusing the House leadership of political games, de la Rosa should come forward and clarify his involvement in the alleged extrajudicial killings during the drug war.

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Acidre said de la Rosa could not deny his “central role” in carrying out the war on drugs.

“If he does not want to explain himself in Congress, he should explain it to the ICC instead), the families of the victims and the international community,” Acidre said.

Meanwhile, Bongalon said de la Rosa should not simply brush aside the ICC investigation because he himself was at the head of the police when the “most egregious human rights violations were committed.”

He added that during the Quadcomm hearings, several witnesses testified about the PNP's direct involvement in extrajudicial killings under de la Rosa's leadership.

“The Quad Committee hearings revealed that the police had orders to shoot on sight. How can Senator de la Rosa deny his involvement when the bloodiest parts of the drug war were carried out under his command?” Bongalon said.

Acidre stressed that the country cannot ignore the growing evidence of human rights violations.

“If Senator Bato continues to try to evade his responsibilities in our hearings, the ICC will demand that justice be done,” Acidre said.

Meanwhile, a chairman of the House of Representatives Quad Committee has named the senior police official who warned Mabilog in 2017 against returning to the Philippines.

At that time, an unnamed PNP general told him not to accept de la Rosa's invitation to Camp Crame because he could be killed there.

He also said that in Crame he would be forced to charge an “opposition senator and former presidential candidate as a drug lord.”

It was later confirmed that they were former Senate President Franklin Drilon and former local government secretary Mar Roxas.

House Human Rights Committee Chairman Bievenido Abante Jr. announced on national radio that former police chief Camilo Cascolan had warned Mabilog against returning to the Philippines to take action against de la Rosa.

“This is the place where you can visit the Pilipinas [He is the one who told him (Mabilog) to not to come back to the Philippines]said Abante.

However, he said it was unfortunate that Cascolan was unable to confirm the call following his death on November 24 last year due to a long-term illness.

Abante, however, said retired Gen. Bernardo Diaz may be called as a witness to corroborate his testimony at Mabilog.

The next Quadcomm hearing will take place on Wednesday, with EJK being the main topic.

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