
The situation is clear on this key issue

The situation is clear on this key issue

This time, too, everything revolves around the economy.

With Election Day on November 5 just over six weeks away, and early voting and mail-in voting already underway in more and more states, numerous polls agree on some key points.

First, the key battleground race that will decide the 2024 White House election between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Trump is within the margin of error.

Second, Harris has a significant lead among voters on the abortion issue, while Trump has an equally large lead on border and immigration issues.


Trump and Harris discuss

Vice President Kamala Harris, right, and former President Donald Trump shake hands during their first and possibly only presidential debate, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Photographer: Doug Mills/The New York Time/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Third, the economy remains the most important issue for American voters as they prepare to cast their ballots in the presidential election.


“The economy is top of mind for voters,” reads the headline of a new nationwide AP/NORC poll conducted entirely after last week’s first and possibly only debate between the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates.

Nearly eight out of ten survey respondents said the economy was one of their most important issues, far ahead of anything else.


A national Fox News poll, also conducted entirely after the debate, showed that 39 percent of voters surveyed named the economy as their most pressing issue, well ahead of immigration (16 percent) and abortion (15 percent). All other issues surveyed were in the single digits.

In pretty much every other survey, the economy is the measure of all things.

As the country's economic recovery from the pandemic-induced recession continues, inflation remains one of Americans' biggest concerns.

“A growing number say food prices and housing costs are a burden on their families,” the Fox News poll said.

When it comes to which presidential candidate is better able to handle the economic situation, Trump is still ahead – but depending on the poll, his gap to Harris is dramatic.

In a post-debate poll conducted by the New York Times and Siena College, the former president is 13 points ahead of the vice president, and in an ABC News Ipsos poll also conducted after the debate, he is 7 points ahead.

But Trump's lead over Harris is only five points in the Fox News poll and only two points in the AP/NORC poll.

“The issue profile of this election continues to favor Trump,” said Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts the Fox News poll along with Democrat Chris Anderson.

However, Shaw added that Trump's “lead on economic issues has diminished, likely due to Harris's messaging on housing costs and taxes, both of which target the middle class and appear to be paying off.”

Trump's support on economic issues is obviously based on good memories of his time in the White House.

Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in UniondaleFormer President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Uniondale

Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Uniondale, New York, Wednesday, September 18, 2024.

Voters surveyed in the Fox News poll said by a 17-point margin that Trump's economic policies were more helpful than harmful, but by a 24-point margin that President Biden's economic policies were more harmful than helpful.

“The perception that Trump's policies have helped more than Biden's weighs heavily on Harris in this campaign and shows why 'turning over a new leaf' is a central theme she has tried to emphasize,” Anderson said.

Fox News' Victoria Balara contributed to this report

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Source of the original article: Showdown between Harris and Trump: The front is clear on this key issue

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