
17-year-old motorcyclist dies in crash with car

17-year-old motorcyclist dies in crash with car

A 17-year-old motorcyclist was killed in an accident near Geislingen an der Steige. He collided with a car on a dirt road.

Motorcycle crashes into side of car on dirt road near Geislingen with full force

The terrible accident occurred on Friday morning near Geislingen an der Steige (Baden-Württemberg). According to the police, a 17-year-old teenager was riding his motorbike on the dirt road between Kuchalb and Stötten. A 37-year-old female driver was coming towards him on the narrow road, which is only permitted for agricultural traffic. At the intersection, a tall cornfield limited visibility. But both the 17-year-old and the 37-year-old drove into the intersection without braking – and crashed into it with full force.

Motorcyclist thrown through air after crash

As the police further report, the motorcycle hit the right side of the Ford. The force of the impact threw the 17-year-old through the air before he hit the tarmac road. The youth was so badly injured that he died at the scene of the accident. All resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful.

17-year-old had right of way at an intersection – police investigate

The Mühlhausen traffic department began investigations and has now clarified the exact course of events. According to the police, the 17-year-old drove into the intersection from the right and thus had the right of way. The motorcycle was completely destroyed in the accident. The police estimated the damage at around 6,000 euros. The car could not drive any further and, like the motorcycle, had to be towed away. The damage to the car amounts to around 2,000 euros.

There were no traffic disruptions on the quiet country road. In addition to the fire brigade and rescue services, emergency chaplains were also on duty to care for the relatives.

Geislingen an der Steige

Geislingen an der Steige is a town with 29,261 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2023) in Baden-Württemberg. It is located in the southeast of the Stuttgart region, about 15 kilometers southeast of Göppingen and 27 kilometers west of Ulm. After the district town of Göppingen, it is the second largest town in the Göppingen district and forms a medium-sized center for the surrounding communities.

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