
“A Saturday night show with Heidi Klum”

“A Saturday night show with Heidi Klum”

Bremen- Back to the beginning! Comedian Hape Kerkeling (59) was a guest on the NDR talk show “3nach9” on Friday evening. There, in one of his now rare TV appearances, he spoke about the start of his career, genealogical research and a return to the scene.

The comedian Hape Kerkeling (59) was a guest on the talk show “3nach9” on Friday. © Britta Pedersen/dpa

First, the 59-year-old looked back at his beginnings. At the age of twelve, Kerkeling first applied to Radio Bremen – on a torn-out page from his maths notebook. “Why wasn't I invited?” he asked himself and gave the answer with a wink. “I came from Recklinghausen, the train ticket was too expensive for them.”

A few years later, however, the collaboration did work out. Kerkeling was therefore very excited about his return to the city. “Without wanting to suck up, Bremen has an incredible spirit of freedom,” he explained. “I have always tried to preserve this spirit in my work to this day.”

In the program, Kerkeling also spoke about his appearance as Queen Beatrix (86) at the legendary state reception at Bellevue Palace for the program “Total Normal” in 1991.

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Celebrities & Stars
Fans had suspected it: Love is over at Coupleontour!

“We weren't really planning on driving in there,” he admitted looking back. Nobody would have thought that the team would get through the barrier. “Instead, the barrier went up without any control, even though we really did everything wrong.”

Kerkeling did not get into trouble for this, quite the opposite. The then Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker (†94) later invited him to a private tour of the Bellevue, as the entertainer reported.

The 59-year-old can hardly imagine a TV comeback.

The 59-year-old can hardly imagine a TV comeback. © Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

The 59-year-old also explained why he might be 111th in line to the British throne. During the coronavirus pandemic, Kerkeling had been researching his ancestry and had his DNA checked. This helped him put more pieces of the puzzle together.

Suddenly he remembered an old fan letter in which he said that his grandmother was the result of an illegitimate affair with the English King Edward VII. This also fits with the stories she told him “when she was slowly going into dementia” about “life in a castle”, “a count” and “a pig princess”. Everything made sense once and now led to the curious case that Kerkeling is connected to the British royal family.

The comedian was brief and to the point on the subject of a television comeback. “I don't plan to do it,” he made clear. “But I had a nightmare three days ago that I was doing a Saturday night show with Heidi Klum moderate. Who knows.” But whether he really wants that …

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