
Punishment decided! This is how long Yannick will spend in prison

Punishment decided! This is how long Yannick will spend in prison

In “Alles was zählt” the Yannick Ziegler chapter is closed for now – with a dramatic final act.

Drama, drama, drama and more drama – that's probably the best way to describe the past few weeks on “Alles was zählt”. The series has just completed its 18th anniversary week, but the consequences of the events are still being felt – especially for Yannick's (Dominik Flade) family.

“Everything that counts”: Yannick must spend eight years behind bars

The paramedic has decided to turn himself in for the fatal shot at Yannick and to make a full confession. While Yannick seems to have come to terms with his fate, his fiancée Isabelle (Ania Niedieck) and his family are fighting tirelessly for him.

But Yannick's wish remains: he wants his loved ones to no longer visit him in prison and not to be present at the trial. While Isabelle accepts his decision and takes a break far away from Essen, his father Henning and his sister Lucie find it much more difficult.

Also interesting:

They strongly criticize Kilian for taking all the blame on Yannick, even though more people were involved. But their hands are tied. When the day of the trial arrives, the Zieglers are confronted with bitter news: Yannick will be sentenced to 8 years in prison!

This is how Yannick Ziegler’s story at AWZ ended

The family is horrified, as they will now be separated from him for many years, but it could have been even more severe: just because Yannick confessed and Casper had previously used violence against him, the sentence was not higher. However, the judge also imposed a relatively long prison sentence because Yannick went to the police too late.


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In “Alles was zählt” Isabelle (Ania Niedieck…) Read more »

Lucie wants Kilian to appeal, but that is not possible either: Yannick has already accepted the verdict. And so, with Dominik Flade's departure, Yannick Ziegler's story ended in a particularly dramatic way…

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