
Police respond to rumors following accidental death of Kansas police dog

Police respond to rumors following accidental death of Kansas police dog

Salina Police Department Photo

SALINE COUNTY – There have been recent posts on social media regarding the tragic death of Salina police dog Tyrann that are absolutely untrue.

In the interest of transparency, Salina Police wanted to inform the public about the situation in a timely manner before a thorough investigation was completed.

Officers were at a location where a recruitment ad was posted when the handler let Ty out of the vehicle so he could relieve himself. Ty and his handler knew this location very well, having used it several times for training.

Ty walked around a parked vehicle and his handler went to check on him and discovered the tragedy. Ty was never placed on the ledge or asked to get on the ledge.

Possibly Ty heard the noise of a parade below, tried to figure out where it was coming from, and jumped over the wall. Ty was well behaved, but he was still a dog.

Ty was a respected and well-liked member of the Salina Police Department and no member of this force would ever put him in an unnecessarily dangerous position. His loss has been devastating to the Salina Police Department and the community he bravely protected every day. The Salina Police Department would like to thank the community for their support and condolences as we grieve and process this devastating event.

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