
Uganda: Amid rising cases of gender-based violence, lawmakers urge revival of marriage and divorce law

Uganda: Amid rising cases of gender-based violence, lawmakers urge revival of marriage and divorce law

The renewed calls come in the wake of alarming cases of gender-based violence, including the tragic shooting of businessman Henry Katanga and the recent death of former Olympian Rebecca Chepetgei, who was attacked by her boyfriend in Kenya.

MPs have reignited discussions on the long-stalled Marriage and Divorce Bill, which was last debated in 2017.

The renewed calls come in the wake of alarming cases of gender-based violence, including the tragic shooting of businessman Henry Katanga and the recent death of former Olympian Rebecca Chepetgei, who was attacked by her boyfriend in Kenya.

During a plenary session chaired by Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa, Member of Parliament for Persons with Disabilities Laura Kanushu urged lawmakers to reconsider the bill.

She stressed that Uganda's marriage laws urgently need to be modernised, noting that the existing Marriage Act of 1904 is outdated and does not address current problems.

“We can no longer rely on a law dating back to 1904. Every time the bill comes to Parliament it is shelved, but now both men and women seem to agree that gender-based violence is a real and growing problem,” Ms Kanushu said.

“Domestic violence results in loss of life and it is time to revisit the bill and make the necessary changes.”

The Marriage and Divorce Bill, first introduced in 2009, is a major legislative measure aimed at consolidating all marriage-related laws, except the Marriage of Mohammedans Act.