
If I lose the election, the Jewish people will have a lot to do with it

If I lose the election, the Jewish people will have a lot to do with it

Although Trump did not cite any recent opinion polls, a recent Pew Research Center survey found that American Jews prefer Ms. Harris by 65 percent to Trump's 34 percent.

The Jewish community, which makes up just two percent of the U.S. population, is considered one of the most liberal groups in the country.

Trump had previously complained that he won less than 30 percent of the vote among American Jews in the 2016 election and worked to undermine this traditional bond with the state.

“Despite everything I did for Israel, I only received 24 percent of the Jewish vote,” he said during another event Thursday, where he spoke to an audience of prominent Republican Jews, including donors and lawmakers.

He added: “I really wasn't treated very well, but it's the story of my life.”

“I am the one who protects you”

Trump continued to lament the decline of the pro-Israel lobby in the US in recent years, saying that in the past, “if you said something bad about a Jew or about Israel, you were out of politics.”

“I am the one who protects you,” Trump said at the end of his speech, calling the Democrats “the people who are going to destroy you.”

He said if Ms Harris wins in November, “we will have by far the most anti-Israel president.”

Throughout his political career, Trump has repeatedly faced criticism for his statements, which have been accused of using anti-Semitic phrases or attacking the Jewish community.

During his term in office, he was heavily criticized for accusing American Jews who did not support him of disloyalty.

His comments were compared to an old cliché that Jews have a “dual loyalty,” implying that they are more loyal to Israel than to their own country.

In 2022, Trump was criticized for meeting with Nick Fuentes, a prominent white supremacist and outspoken anti-Semite, shortly after launching his 2024 presidential campaign.

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