
Accident during police operation: Alarm in tram – but police emergency services end in crash

Accident during police operation: Alarm in tram – but police emergency services end in crash

Last year, Gebhard-Müller-Platz was the number one accident hotspot in Stuttgart. Now a police patrol has also been affected.

Alarm in a tram! But on the way to the scene, a patrol car crew was abruptly stopped in the city center on Thursday evening: The police car collided with another road user at around 6 p.m. on Gebhard-Müller-Platz. Fortunately, there was only minor damage to the vehicle, which is initially estimated at 5,000 euros. The construction site intersection has long been considered an accident-prone area.

According to information from our newspaper, there had previously been reports of an aggressive person on a U14 tram. A patrol then moved out towards Charlottenplatz, where the officers intercepted the tram and tried to clarify the incident. The 24-year-old police officer at the wheel drove from Stuttgart-Ost through the Wagenburg tunnel towards Gebhard-Müller-Platz with blue lights and sirens on. According to the police, he drove slowly into the intersection, but then collided with a 33-year-old Mercedes coming from the left. Krieg apparently drove into the intersection when the traffic light was green.

Problem area Gebhard-Müller-Platz

In 2023, Gebhard-Müller-Platz, as a permanent construction site intersection, was placed in the inglorious first place in the list of accident hotspots in Stuttgart. Drivers often found themselves overwhelmed by the signage and traffic light situations. The responsible city authorities had to make improvements by changing the traffic light locations and traffic routing – and were thus apparently able to reduce the risk of accidents.

The collision, however, has a different background. When on duty, police officers must always expect cross traffic, despite the flashing blue lights and sirens, and therefore always carefully avoid red lights. Witnesses are asked to call the traffic police on 07 11 / 89 90 – 41 00.

And what about the light rail case?

The case on the tram was then solved by another police patrol. The officers ended up arresting a suspected confused person who was allegedly harassing other passengers.

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