
Tragic accident: Briton dies while trying to cut frozen burgers |

Tragic accident: Briton dies while trying to cut frozen burgers |

Recently, a news item shocked people in Britain that was published in Western Telegraphwhere a 57-year-old man, Barry Griffiths from Powys in Wales was found dead in July last year. Apparently the man was seen stabbing himself as he tried to frozen burgers.
This report of the police investigation indicates that Griffiths, an immobile former stroke patient, accidentally stabbed himself in the stomach while trying to separate the frozen burgers. According to Detective Chief Inspector Jonathan Rees, Griffiths was probably unable to use one arm and the strain resulted in the fatal wound. His body was not discovered until several days later after concerned friends raised the alarm. There were bloodstains all over his house, but this baffled investigators until the autopsy report was completed.
According to the published news report, no one had seen him for over a week. However, after an investigation, police found blood spatter in the kitchen, hallway and bathroom. The same report goes on to say that Detective Sergeant Stephen Vaughan and crime scene investigator Elizabeth Nurse claimed that no crime had been committed. Vaughan called the incident an “inexplicable tragedy”. Further forensic examinations revealed that it was in fact a Accidental death.
At Pontypridd Coroner's Court, detectives said a knife, two frozen burgers and a tea towel were discovered in the kitchen during an examination of the crime scene. DCI Jonathan Rees said Griffiths was trying to break the burgers apart when the knife wound, which runs tangent to the height of the kitchen worktop, eventually pierced his abdomen.
Rees admitted that some inspection opportunities had been missed because Griffith's apartment had been tidied and important items such as the mattress and his clothes had been discarded. However, police said there was no evidence of a forced entry and Griffith's devices showed no signs of self-harm or distress, so his death was described as a tragic accident.

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