
Drama in Seelbach! – News AG

Drama in Seelbach! – News AG

On September 17, 2024, at around 4:50 p.m., an incident occurred in Seelbach in which a dog attacked a grandmother and her granddaughter. The dog, which suddenly ran over the property line, caused a fright and the grandmother picked up her grandchild to protect him. In the chaos, the woman fell, causing the child to injure his head. A fortunate circumstance was the appearance of a random passerby who quickly half and half took the injured child to safety in his car.

The animal owners arrived shortly afterwards and took the dog with them. It remains unclear why the dog was so aggressive. The police have filed a criminal complaint for negligent bodily harm and have submitted a report to the public order office for the dog to be examined. The child was treated in hospital for a minor laceration on the head, but was quickly treated. Further information on this incident can be found at

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