
Debut of Raab's new TV show: How a candidate got his dream performance

Debut of Raab's new TV show: How a candidate got his dream performance

On Wednesday, Olli Buse, a football player and café employee, competed against Raab. In the end, he had to admit defeat to the entertainer in the tennis ball throwing competition and ended the show with a win of 1,000 euros.

First candidate in new Raab show: “Always wanted to compete against him”

Buse told Bild how he got on the show in the first place. “I'm registered on a platform for casting calls. Two months ago there was a call for candidates for a game show,” he says. Buse went through several rounds of preliminary applications, including video presentations and discussions with producers, without knowing that it was a show hosted by Stefan Raab.

The surprise came one day before the recording: “I got a call and only then found out what it was really about,” said Buse. He followed the big Raab boxing spectacle and the announcement of the new show without knowing that he would be there himself. “I always wanted to compete against him,” said Buse, who describes Raab as the idol of his youth.

“Stefan Raab wanted to win at any cost”

Before the show, there was no opportunity for a personal conversation with Raab: “I saw him for the first time when he came into the studio.” During the show, Buse experienced Raab's irrepressible will to win first hand: “Stefan Raab wanted to win at any cost.” After the defeat, co-host Elton consoled him behind the scenes.

Olli Buse summed up his appearance positively: “He gets people excited with the show just like he used to.” He hasn't planned how much he'll spend his 1,000 Euro winnings yet. But his appearance on Raab's new TV show was an unexpected dream come true for Buse.

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