
Anna-Maria Ferchichi: This is what Bushido's wife looked like 20 years ago

Anna-Maria Ferchichi: This is what Bushido's wife looked like 20 years ago

With a blonde bob and no cosmetic surgery: This is what Bushido's wife Anna-Maria Ferchichi looked like 20 years ago

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Anna-Maria Ferchichi, wife of rapper Bushido and mother of eight children, speaks openly about her cosmetic surgeries. This is what she looked like 20 years ago.

Anna-Maria Ferchichi has been in a relationship with rapper Bushido since 2011. But she was already known to the public before her relationship with Bushido, especially through her sister Sarah Connor's reality show in the early 2000s. At the time, she worked as a model and made headlines primarily through her relationships.

Anna-Maria Ferchichi – from short blonde bob to long brown mane

If you look at old pictures, you'll notice that Anna-Maria Ferchichi used to look completely different. In the early 2000s, she was known primarily for her blonde bob hairstyle and her natural appearance. Today, she has long brown hair, which changed her look – as well as her numerous cosmetic surgeries, which she speaks openly about. “I have nothing to hide and I stand by all the changes,” she explains publicly.

Anna-Maria was in a relationship with these men before Bushido

Anna-Maria Ferchichi was previously in a relationship with background dancer Pravit Anantapongse, with whom she had a son, and Bundesliga professional Ludovic Magnin. In 2005, she married Finnish football player Pekka Lagerblom. The couple separated after four years. She later dated Mesut Özil, with whom she moved to Spain and for whom she even converted to Islam.

Anna-Maria and Bushido have been a couple since 2011

The relationship with Özil ended in autumn 2010. Three weeks later she told the “Bild” newspaper: “This kind of life wasn't for me. I didn't like life in this form.” Shortly afterwards, in spring 2011, she met Bushido. The two met at a Lambertz party in Cologne. Many initially thought it was a harmless flirtation. Today Anna-Maria Ferchichi and Bushido are happier than ever. They have seven children together, with whom they live in Dubai.

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