
Distinguished service by a member of the Concord Police Department

Distinguished service by a member of the Concord Police Department


Concord Police Sergeant Angel Gonzalez and Telecommunications Specialist Jessica Garren presented the Distinguished Service Award for their outstanding teamwork and communications that prevented a tragic development this summer. Police Chief Jimmy Hughes is pictured with them.

In July, Jessica received a 911 call from a teenager who was depressed and wanted to harm himself. Although it was difficult to find out his whereabouts, Jessica never gave up. She talked calmly with him for nearly 15 minutes to keep him on track.

When he was finally found, Sergeant Gonzalez was able to make contact with him, gain his trust, and get him the help he needed. To this day, Sergeant Gonzalez calls him to see if he is OK.

Their unwavering persistence in locating the teenager and their dedication to his safety and care truly made a lasting impression. We appreciate their outstanding service and congratulate them on receiving the Distinguished Service Award.

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