
Death in Pune, California: Learn simple, healthy habits to overcome work stress in a hectic job

Death in Pune, California: Learn simple, healthy habits to overcome work stress in a hectic job

If you have a demanding job, always be transparent with your boss and tell him how much you already have to do before taking on additional tasks. (Photo: Freepik)

By incorporating these habits into your hectic work routine, you will be better able to manage stress, increase productivity, and maintain your overall well-being.

Written by Prerna Mittra |Published: September 19, 2024, 3:14 PM IST

With the tragic news of a promising Auditor dies in Pune due to extreme work stressthe focus has once again shifted to managing workloads, dealing with an exploitative and toxic company culture, and juggling between the office and home to maintain work-life balance. The 26-year-old woman, who started working at a leading global accounting firm earlier this year, succumbed to the stress within a few months. Her mother claimed her workplace had become a living hell for her, as she had to work long hours and even weekends. Towards the end of her shifts, she was severely exhausted every day.

What happens when burnout occurs? It begins to affect a person mentally, emotionally and physically. Burnout is a state of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion caused by persistent stressOverwork and lack of balance in life.

Emotional consequences of burnout

On an emotional level, it can cause a person to experience the following feelings:

  • Chronic fatigue and exhaustion.
  • Cynicism and distance from work and others.
  • Reduced motivation and interest in activities.
  • Increased irritability and mood swings.
  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.

Physical symptoms of burnout

On a physical level, a person may experience:

  • Insomnia or sleep disorders.
  • Headaches, muscle pain and gastrointestinal problems.
  • Weight changes
  • Reduced immune function.
  • Increased blood pressure and cardiovascular risk.

Behavioral and cognitive symptoms

Certain behavioral and cognitive symptoms of burnout may also occur, such as:

  • Procrastination and reduced productivity.
  • Absenteeism, unpunctuality, social withdrawal.
  • Drug abuse (alcohol, caffeine, etc.)
  • Reduced creativity and performance.
  • Reduced concentration and focus.
  • Reduced memory and problem-solving skills.
  • Self-doubt, criticism and loss of purpose and meaning.

Ultimately, burnout can lead to strained relationships, serious mental and physical health problems, and reduced overall well-being and quality of life. Therefore, it is important to Recognize burnout symptoms early and prevent further deterioration.

Workplace burnout, workplace anxiety, workplace stress, hectic schedule, dealing with a demanding job, ways to manage work related stress, death of a Pune chartered accountant, death of a Pune chartered accountant, hectic work life, burnout, severe exhaustion, tips to deal with burnout

Healthy habits to overcome work stress in a hectic job

Read on to learn about the six simple and healthy things you can do in your daily life to overcome work stress, even if you have a hectic work schedule.

  1. Breathing work (2-5 minutes): Take short breaks to Focus on deep, slow breathsInhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This will release tension and refresh your mind.
  2. Stay hydrated: Keep a refillable water bottle on your desk or carry it with you. Try to drink 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day to maintain energy and cognitive function.
  3. Stretching exercises at the desk (3-5 minutes): Stand up regularly, stretch your arms above your head, roll your shoulders and do leg stretches. This reduces muscle tension and improves blood circulation.
  4. Mindful morning (10-15 minutes): Start your day with a consistent morning routine that includes meditation or guided relaxation, journaling or gratitude reflection, light exercise or yoga, etc. Avoid checking work-related emails and messages.
  5. Nutritious snacks: Have healthy snacks on hand. Try eat fresh fruit, nuts and seedsWhole grain crackers, high-energy protein bars, etc.
  6. Digital Detox (30 minutes before bedtime): Finally, switch off from work-related tasks and screens before going to bed. You can read a book or listen to calming music instead. Do some stretching exercises before going to bed.

Talk to your manager

If you have a demanding job, always be transparent with your manager and tell them how much you already have to do before taking on additional tasks. Sit down with your manager and set realistic goals and priorities. Communicate openly with coworkers and know when to take breaks. Consider using productivity apps to manage workload and schedule time for self-care.

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