
Update on the shot between the eyes of a DC dog is heartwarming

Update on the shot between the eyes of a DC dog is heartwarming

A young pit bull mix named Louisa is expected to make a full recovery after being brutally shot between the eyes while escaping from her DC home last week. Authorities are searching for the person who committed this cruelty, and the local Humane Rescue Alliance is even offering a five thousand dollar reward.

A young brown and white pit bull mix named Louisa ran away from her home in Washington DC last Wednesday. She was gone for two days and when she returned, her owners noticed her throat was swollen and she appeared to be having trouble breathing.

A miracle

They took the dog to the vet, where it was determined that she had been shot. At this point, animal protection services intervened and were able to take the dog to a veterinary clinic for more comprehensive diagnostics and treatment.

There they discovered the shocking truth.

At some point during her absence, poor Louisa was shot right between the eyes. Veterinarians believe the bullet grazed her tongue, passed down her throat and then lodged in her neck, causing multiple facial fractures and swelling of her neck.

Fortunately, the vets were able to remove the bullet without surgery and the poor dog should make a full recovery in time.

Animal cruelty

Now the officials are searching for the person responsible.

“It is a miracle that this dog was able to survive a gunshot wound to the face without suffering a more serious injury,” said Chris Schindler, senior vice president of animal welfare, field response and rescue at the Humane Rescue Alliance. “We are committed to finding out who is responsible for this alleged act of animal cruelty and we need the public's help.”

The sad truth is that as a stray, Louisa was at risk of being mistaken for a dangerous dog when she wandered onto other people's property. And these days, far too many people resort to the “shoot first” approach when trespassing – a concept that dogs cannot possibly understand.

A danger for free-roaming dogs

It's impossible to know what happened to Louisa or what she got up to during the two days she was running free through the city streets, so it's important not to let your dog run around unleashed and unsupervised. Not only could he pose a danger to other people, but there are many dangerous and deadly situations awaiting him, from poisons and rodent traps to traffic and people who are far too trigger-happy when it comes to other living creatures.

For example, one of the most common shooting victims in situations where a police officer discharges his firearm is a dog. Fifty percent of all police shootings involve dogs, and the Justice Department once estimated that police officers in this country shoot over twenty dogs a day.

We hope the dog recovers quickly and that her family takes stronger precautions next time to prevent her from running away. She was incredibly lucky. We shouldn't risk that again.

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