
Embarrassing problem with 100,000 electric cars

Embarrassing problem with 100,000 electric cars

Recalls by electric car manufacturers are not uncommon. Even the Wolfsburg-based company VW is not immune to production errors, as this case shows.

Which models are affected?

As Green Car Reports reports, the VW ID.4 may experience the phenomenon that the doors open automaticallyFaulty door handles are said to be responsible for this. In the USA, the company has recalled 98,806 vehicles. It is not currently known whether there will be a recall in Germany or the whole of Europe.

Affected are VW ID.4 models that from 2021 to 2024 rolled off the production line. These were produced in the American city of Chattanooga in the US state of Tennessee. However, VW states that less than one percent of the vehicles actually have the defect.

The traditional car manufacturer will supply the relevant customers by November 1, 2024 inform you about the recall by post. 135 warranty claims between June 2023 and May 2024 are said to have been made due to the previously applicable defect.

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How does the error occur?

According to VW, the door handles mentioned Moisture penetrationwhich can reach the circuit board. The result is that the electronic door control no longer functions properly. This in turn can lead to the doors being unlocked unintentionally. The communication between the door handles and the electronic control is therefore disrupted.

If this error occurs, a Click should be heard that resembles the correct unlocking sound. Injuries or accidents should not occur due to this error.

Anyone who notices this problem on their ID.4 and takes their vehicle to the dealer for error correction will receive new and revised door handles and also a software update. The Wolfsburg-based car manufacturer will not only carry out the repair free of charge, but will also reimburse any costs incurred to date.

Recall for the ID.4: Not the first time

Already at the beginning of 2023, VW announced the Recall of about 21,000 cars Due to a software error, the affected models could lose so much engine power that the car even stopped. However, only customers in the USA were confronted with this problem, while German drivers of the ID.4 were spared.

Not the first bad news from VW

The recall due to faulty door handles is not the first piece of bad news that has recently made VW into the headlines and exposed it. The traditional company's prestige project, the VW Trinity, is not due to come onto the market until much later, factory closures are threatened, and Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, probably saw the problems at VW coming much earlier.

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