
Television: Bohlen about Raab: I got my RTL show without any problems

Television: Bohlen about Raab: I got my RTL show without any problems

RTL face Dieter Bohlen (70) has the new work colleague Stefan Raab (57) Not exactly greeted with a bouquet of flowers, but wished him luck with the new show. “Stefan, you should have admitted that Regina beat you up pretty badly, and I wouldn't want to be in your shoes if you started again now,” said the “pop titan” of the “Bild” newspaper about Raab's upcoming comeback with the streaming show “You won't win the million here with Stefan Raab” on Wednesday evening at 8:10 p.m. on RTL+.

Taunts against Raab

“For me, television has always meant that people have to tune in if they want to see me and I never wanted to be on any kind of 'platform',” said Bohlen. His own casting show “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” (“DSDS”) is broadcast on RTL on linear television, but is also available on RTL+ and can be streamed in advance there. The first episode on RTL will be shown parallel to the Raab show from 8:15 p.m. “Maybe I didn't understand the “New Television” either – and you're doing everything right!”

Planks teased: “The difference between us is that I don't have to get beaten up to get a show on RTL.” To be honest, I wouldn't do that. I wish Stefan the best of luck with his new projects.”

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