
Show participants speak of abuse and sexual harassment

Show participants speak of abuse and sexual harassment

After continued allegations against MrBeast, a lawsuit has now been filed.

After continued allegations against MrBeast, a lawsuit has now been filed.

The situation around Jimmy MrBeast Donaldson, the biggest YouTuber in the world based on pure subscriber numbers, is coming to a head.

After the allegations against him have been increasing for several months, five candidates on his show Beast Games filed a class action lawsuit. In the show, several candidates compete against each other with the prospect of five million US dollars in prize money.

The allegations revolve around sexual harassment and Try the abuseAmazon, the producer of the show, is also in the dock because the Beast Games will be broadcast on the Prime platform in the future.

The accusation: unpaid standards and poor working conditions

Industry magazine Variety has published a partially redacted transcript of the lawsuit. The accusers are demanding outstanding contractual payments from Amazon and MrBeast's production company for participation in the show, as well as an unspecified amount of damages.

The former participants allege that, among other things, Minimum wages and overtime are not paid Furthermore, the producers had nothing against it. sexual harassment on set Furthermore, the show created an environment that made the participants feel emotional suffering 😂 …

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According to Variety, a lawyer for the prosecutors made the following statement:

While the contestants knew they were in for a potentially long and difficult competition when they signed the contract at the start of production, they claimed they had to endure much more than they bargained for.

Several participants required hospitalization, while others reported suffering physical and psychological distress while being subjected to chronic abuse, humiliation and, for female participants, hostile working conditions.

The indictment linked above states that the participants denied medical care, food, sleep and basic personal hygiene is said to have been.

MrBeast and Amazon have not yet commented on the allegations and charges at the time of this article.

Not the first accusations against MrBeast

Meanwhile, this is not the first time that MrBeast has been faced with serious allegations. As early as summer 2024, a former employee came forward with a 53-minute video in which he described MrBeast as cheater means hat.

He claimed, among other things, that many of the YouTube star's videos contained fake content and that other scandals had been covered up to protect MrBeast's reputation. These allegations have led to heated debates among fans and critics of the YouTuber.

Due to the heated discussion and serious allegations that have already taken place online, we have decided not to offer a comment section under this article for capacity reasons.

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