
Senator John Kennedy accuses Arab-American leaders of supporting terrorism

Senator John Kennedy accuses Arab-American leaders of supporting terrorism

The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing focused on curbing hate crimes. Maya Berry, executive director of the Arab American Institute, was the only Muslim witness present.

Louisiana Senator John Kennedy baselessly accused a leading Arab-American civil rights activist of supporting terrorists during a Senate hearing on Tuesday.

The Republican took aim at Maya Berry, executive director of the nonpartisan Arab American Institute. When asked if Berry supported Hamas and Hezbollah, Kennedy told her, “You should put your head in a bag.”

Berry was in Congress on Tuesday to testify before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on curbing hate crimes against marginalized groups, and she did not leave Kennedy's allegations unanswered.

“Senator, oddly enough, I want to thank you for that question because it clarifies the purpose of our hearing today,” Berry said. “Hamas is a foreign terrorist organization that I do not support. But when you ask that question to the executive director of the Arab American Institute, it very much focuses on the issue of hate in our country.”

Here's what else happened:

Senator John Kennedy is excited

Kennedy became agitated as he questioned Berry.

“You support Hamas, don't you? You support the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and Hamas, don't you?” Kennedy said before his microphone was cut off.

When Berry tried to respond to Kennedy's original accusation, the senator repeatedly interrupted her and finally said:

“You can't bring yourself to say you don't support UNRWA, you don't support Hamas, you don't support Hezbollah, you don't support Iran,” he said. “You should hide your head in a sack.”

Berry had repeatedly denied supporting terrorist groups and said Kennedy's questions were “extremely disappointing.”

The committee's chairman, Democratic Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois, interrupted the senator. Several audience members reacted loudly to Kennedy's remarks.

Berry was the only Muslim witness at the hate crimes hearing.

View the entire interaction

​​Fernando Cervantes Jr. is a trending news reporter for USA TODAY. Reach him at [email protected] and follow him on X @fern_cerv_.

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