
Riots after police fire tear gas grenades at injured students

Riots after police fire tear gas grenades at injured students

Inside the college, a camera recorded a shocking scene: a student lay, apparently injured, surrounded by three police officers.

Two of the officers pulled him and turned him over by his feet. A voice can be heard from the picture shouting “Wachia Yeye”.

The cameraman recording the incident can be heard saying “amemuacha na dawa” shortly after one of the officers pulled out a tear gas grenade, removed the safety pin and dropped the can next to the student.

“Amemuachia, tear gas, Kwa Kichwa,” he adds as the officers hurriedly leave the scene.

The tear gas grenade exploded right next to the student’s head.

One of the officers stepped back and stood over the student for a moment, whip in hand as if ready to inflict more pain, then kicked him with his left foot and left.

Moments later, the cartridge exploded a second time, sending shrapnel into the air.

Users on X (formerly known as Twitter) condemned the police actions and one alerted Ipoa to the incident.

“These are criminals. We cannot allow our country to be governed like this,” he said.

“This cop should be fired and arrested immediately,” another user agreed.

“I've seen it more than 10 times. This cop looks like a father but the bitterness in him is on another level. It will be good when justice prevails,” said another user.

Numerous other comments followed, all condemning the police for their inhumane treatment of the student and demanding that justice be done.

“We have to find a way to deal with people like this. This is someone who doesn't care about human life.”

“I've watched this video several times just to make sure… it's unbelievable… and we say we have a country! This is heartbreaking. I hope the young man pulls through.”

“This is extremely disheartening and shocking. This is not how we expect our officers to behave.”

“This is very brutal. Why would you do this to an injured sheep?”

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