
Cyber ​​attack: Servers in two Düren schools down

Cyber ​​attack: Servers in two Düren schools down

On Monday, the servers at two schools in Düren, the Heinrich-Böll Comprehensive School and the Rürtal Gymnasium, crashed at roughly the same time. The cause of this was ransomware, a type of malware that locks or encrypts computers or files in order to extort a ransom. The city of Düren announced this on Tuesday.

Since it could not be ruled out that other schools could be affected, the servers of all municipal schools were immediately taken offline as a precaution. The Aachen police, who are responsible for cybercrime, were also informed. After a thorough check of all servers by the school's IT service provider, it is expected that they will be able to be put back into operation in the next few days. According to the information, the IT of the Düren city administration is not affected because there is no connection to the school networks.

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