
Son of family doctor who established a live online connection with mothers in the Philippines to “virtually” abuse their children has been sentenced to prison

Son of family doctor who established a live online connection with mothers in the Philippines to “virtually” abuse their children has been sentenced to prison

The son of a general practitioner who established a live online connection with mothers in the Philippines to “virtually” abuse their children has been sentenced to six and a half years in prison.

Jonathan Kumar, 38, logged onto paedophile websites to communicate with women living 6,600 miles away before engaging in sordid sexual activities with them and their daughters.

During distorted conversations from his bedroom in Bolton, Greater Manchester, Kumar simulated sexual intercourse with teenagers while they were forced to participate virtually via a webcam between September 2022 and August 2023.

He was arrested in August 2023 after police discovered an IP address linked to him while investigating the websites.

Officers seized various electronic devices and found a recording in which he told the mother of a nine-year-old girl: “Why is she angry, baby? I'm going to rape her.”

The pedophile then performed a sexual act while the girl simulated participating in sexual acts. Another girl exposed herself and was instructed to perform sexual acts.

Jonathan Kumar (pictured) logged onto paedophile websites to communicate with women living 6,600 miles away before engaging in sordid sex activities

When Kumar was questioned by police, he said, “Yes, I was stupid.”

A total of 20 films or pictures were found, ten of which were taken by him.

None of the eight victims of abuse, aged between eight and 13, could be located.

At Bolton Crown Court, Kumar – whose late father worked as a doctor in the city – admitted inciting girls under the age of 13 to engage in sexual acts and making indecent images.

He claimed he was “lonely” at the time because he had to stay at home due to the Covid-19 lockdown.

Prosecutor Tara Riley said: “Several devices were seized from his home, including two Samsung phones and a Dell laptop, and they were all examined after the defendant provided the PIN numbers.”

“One phone contained indecent images and videos of children taken by the owner of the mobile phone. There were social media chats in which the owner of the mobile phone communicated with the children and the children's parents.

“One moving image showed a child removing his clothes, exposing his breasts and genital area. Another image showed a 12-year-old child holding his nipples.

“There is a recording of a video call in which the defendant is talking to the mother of a child between the ages of nine and eleven. The mother says the child is angry and the defendant asks, 'Why is she angry, baby? I'm going to rape her.'”

“The period of abuse extended from September 2022 to August 2023. The children were particularly vulnerable and were subjected to abuse in the presence of their mothers. They were likely involved in commercial exploitation.”

Kumar had already been convicted of drunk driving in 2009 and faced a prison sentence of up to ten years under sentencing guidelines.

Rachel White, mitigating, said: “He is a much loved member of his family and there is another side to him. Although he was quite persistent in communicating online, no money was ever exchanged. He fully accepts the abhorrent nature of the offences, which are shocking and extremely damaging.”

“He came from a loving and supportive family and was successful in his education and career. But his father became ill and he cared for him for three years until his death in 2012.

At Bolton Crown Court (pictured), Kumar admitted inciting girls under the age of 13 to engage in sexual acts and making indecent images.

At Bolton Crown Court (pictured), Kumar admitted inciting girls under the age of 13 to engage in sexual acts and making indecent images.

“He has a close relationship with his mother, now 80 years old, and initially lived with her – and visited her regularly when he bought his own property.”

“But the pandemic complicated Mr Kumar’s personal circumstances. He was home alone and not allowed to visit his mother.

“He felt increasingly lonely and began communicating with women online for sexual purposes.”

“This behavior escalated, as he openly admits, when he lost some distance or detachment from what he was doing because it was people from a foreign country appearing through a screen.”

“Today it is fully clear to him that these were real children and that his behaviour when he made these unspeakable demands must have had a significant impact on them.”

“He is ashamed and disgusted by what he did and he says no child deserves to experience this kind of abuse. He was visibly upset when he spoke to probation officers about the matter.”

Judge Abigail Hudson, who passed sentence, told Kumar: “The reality is that these children are being violated for their own sexual gratification. Their caregivers are likely to be desperate or abusive people who are unwilling or unable to protect these children.”

“They are therefore extremely vulnerable and the damage you have done to them is immeasurable.”

“You come from a relatively wealthy background and have had every opportunity you could have wanted in life, including a devoted and supportive family. But you have put yourself in the position you are in today by not seeking help and by behaving in this way.

“You knew it was wrong, but you didn't seek help. You are very lucky that your family sees the other side of you and continues to love and support you.”

Kumar was also ordered to sign the sex offenders' register for life and comply with the terms of a sexual harm prevention order.

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