
How your dreams can predict the future |

How your dreams can predict the future |

People have always thought Dreams mysterious and important. Dreams not only reveal a person's inner desires, feelings and experiences, but often indicate future events. Many cultures have believed for centuries that dreams can give advance warnings about our lives and upcoming events. In this article, we will learn how dreams can indicate our future and what scientific and religious facts this belief is based on.
Meaning of dreams
The meaning of dreams is assessed differently in different religions, traditions and science. In Indian mythology, dreams are given special significance. This is known as Swapna Shastra and states that some dreams are lucky and herald happiness and prosperity in the future. At the same time, some dreams are considered bad luck and are a warning of misfortune or suffering.
At the same time, from a psychological point of view, dreams are an expression of our subconscious. When we sleep, our brain processes the events and thoughts of the day and manifests them in the form of dreams. But sometimes dreams go beyond our emotions and inner desires and are connected to an invisible force that we can call instinct or intuition.
Connection between dreams and prophecy
It is believed that some dreams foreshadow the events in our lives. This is called prophetic dreams or “predictive dreams”. For example, many people have seen an illness, an accident or another important event in their dreams. The belief behind this is that our subconscious contains information that we cannot recognize in our waking state, but this information comes to light through dreams.
In dreams we can sometimes see signs related to our future. Such as:
Seeing a snake: In Indian culture, dreaming of a snake gives many clues. It is often seen as a symbol of power, change or fear.
Seeing the sea: Seeing the sea in a dream can be a sign of major events in life. This indicates that a major challenge or change is coming in life.
Vision of heaven or gods and goddesses: If one receives blessings from gods and goddesses in a dream, then it is considered a symbol of future happy times. Such dreams are considered very auspicious.
Types of dreams
Dreams can be divided into different types. Some of these types point to the future:
Lucid dreams: In these dreams, the person realizes during the dream that he or she is dreaming. In such dreams, the person can control themselves and also change events. These often indicate events that will happen in the future.
Intuitive dreams: These dreams are based on the inner feeling or “gut feeling” of the person. In it, they see things that will happen in their life. For example, if a person dreams of an accident and it comes true, this is classified in the category of dreams that have to do with intuition.
Symbolic dreams: Some dreams are symbolic and can be an indication of an upcoming event. For example, if you see fire or water in your dream, it can be a symbol of a major life change.
How to understand dreams?
To understand dreams, it is first important to know what kind of dreams they are. Each dream depends on the mental, physical and emotional state of the person. To interpret dreams, you should ask yourself the following questions:
What kind of things were seen in the dream?
How did the dream feel?
Does this dream fit a situation in your life?
Remember that each person's personal experiences are important in understanding the true meaning of dreams.
Scientific view
From a scientific point of view, it can be a little difficult to consider dreams as predictions. Scientists consider them to be simply a process of the brain processing the events of the day. Despite this, some scientists believe that the subconscious part of our brain can sense things that we cannot see when we are awake. This may be related to our imagination or intuition.
The connection between dreams and the future has amazed people for centuries. Whether from a religious, mythological or psychological perspective, the study of dreams and their interpretation is a profound subject. Believing whether dreams indicate the future or not depends entirely on personal experience. Nevertheless, it would not be wrong to say that dreams give us insight into our feelings, thoughts and possibly future events.
Carefully understanding and analyzing dreams can reveal many important aspects of our lives, so don't take your next dream lightly – it could be a sign of your future!
Written by: Gurudev Shrie Kashyap Ji, Chairman and Founder of All India Institute Of Occult Science.

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