
Donald Trump made a surprising statement after an assassination attempt in Florida

Donald Trump made a surprising statement after an assassination attempt in Florida

Politically, the 58-year-old was recently a staunch opponent of Donald Trump and alternately shared his support for Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and the Republican Trump challengers Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy on social networks. What R.'s specific motive was, however, is still unclear.

As the British “Telegraph” writes, R. was there shortly after Russia's attack on Ukraine. According to CNN, the suspected assassin also repeatedly tried to recruit soldiers for the Ukrainian side on his social media accounts.

In an interview with the New York Times last year, R. explained that he had traveled to Afghanistan specifically for this purpose. His goal was to find fighters among Afghan soldiers. He also planned to buy new passports for the volunteers in Pakistan.

The Ukrainian side explained that R. was not particularly well respected in their circles at the time. A senior official of the International Legion of Ukraine who had contact with R. told the Telegraph: “I could tell from a mile away that he was just talking bullshit.”

With his now deleted X-profile, R. also contacted Elon Musk directly, as “Bild” writes. Under a post by the tech billionaire, he wrote that he would like to buy a rocket from the SpaceX founder. “I want to equip it with a warhead for Putin's bunker on the Black Sea in order to destroy him. Can you please give me a price?”

After he had to abandon his round of golf, Donald Trump commented on the incident: “There were shots fired in my area, but before the rumors get out of control: I am fine, I am safe,” he wrote in an email to a campaign donor. The former US president was combative towards his supporters. “I will never give up!” (“I will NEVER GIVE UP!”), he wrote in the email, US media reported.

On his platform Truth Social, Trump described a “really interesting day.” He especially thanked the Secret Service, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw and all law enforcement officers who had done an “incredible job.”

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