
A boy was trapped between boulders for 9 hours until rescue workers were able to free him

A boy was trapped between boulders for 9 hours until rescue workers were able to free him

CONCORD, NH – Rescue workers have freed an 11-year-old boy who slipped between two boulders near his school and was trapped for more than nine hours, a New Hampshire fire chief said Monday.

The boy was pulled from the boulders in Windsor at about 3:15 a.m. He was taken to a hospital for evaluation and then released, according to Wediko School, where the boy attends.

“On Sunday evening, a supervised student exploring a rocky area on campus slipped between two boulders when sticks and debris gave way underneath,” the school, a residential treatment center for boys, said in a statement Monday.

“Despite the efforts of several staff members to free the student, they were unsuccessful and immediately called the local emergency services,” the statement said. “The rescue workers worked tirelessly throughout the night and were able to successfully rescue the student early in the morning.”

Firefighters received a call shortly before 6 p.m. Sunday. They found the boy “trapped in a crevasse” in a large boulder, Hillsborough Fire Chief Kenny Stafford said. They used ropes and lubricant to rescue the child, he said.

First responders from at least five other communities, as well as state police and the fisheries and game agency, assisted in the rescue operation in Windsor, in southern New Hampshire.

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