
Official inauguration of the Volkmarsdorf wind farm – the group’s first repowering project (

Official inauguration of the Volkmarsdorf wind farm – the group’s first repowering project (

16 September 2024

( On September 10, 2024, the Volkmarsdorf wind farm was officially inaugurated, the first repowering project of the Swisspower Renewables Group. With the commissioning of six GE 5.5 wind turbines with a rotor diameter of 158 meters and a total height of 240 m, Swisspower Renewables is enabling the safeguarding and expansion of sustainable energy generation in the Helmstedt region in Lower Saxony.

From the start of construction in early 2023 to commissioning in July 2024, 15 old wind turbines were replaced by 6 modern, more powerful turbines. With a total output of 33 MW, the wind farm will generate around 94 million kWh of renewable electricity annually. Repowering has thus quickly quadrupled energy production on the same area.

Reuse and spare parts
Special attention was also paid to the reuse of the old turbines or their use in the context of repowering. Ten of the dismantled wind turbines were rebuilt at new locations in other European countries. The remaining turbine parts were carefully dismantled and serve as spare parts for the operation of other turbines. The material from the old foundations was reused to build the new crane bases.

Citizen participation
As part of the digital citizen participation, interested citizens who live close to the wind farm can participate in the wind farm and thus benefit directly from the proceeds. In addition, a share of the proceeds per kilowatt hour generated is distributed to the surrounding communities in accordance with Section 6 of the Renewable Energy Sources Act.

Text:, Source: Swisspower Renewables Group

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