
Unknown man knocks over traffic sign in Röfingen and flees

Unknown man knocks over traffic sign in Röfingen and flees

On Sunday evening at around 6:45 p.m., an as yet unknown person drove from the Jettingen-Scheppach motorway junction on the bypass towards the roundabout near Röfingen. According to police reports, the person knocked over a blue “Pass on the right” sign at the roundabout. A witness saw that a car had stopped at that point. Instead of taking care of the damage caused, the person who caused the accident simply drove on. The police suspect that the front of the vehicle belonging to the person who caused the accident must have been damaged. Road users who made observations at the roundabout in Röfingen at the time in question should report any information to the Burgau police station on 08222-96900. (AZ)

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