By: Ivd

St. Sigmund – Early this morning, a serious traffic accident occurred on the Pustertal state road near St. Sigmund. For reasons that are still unclear, a minibus drove into a guardrail and then tipped over onto its side. The St. Sigmund fire brigade was alerted at 4:45 a.m. and arrived at the scene of the accident shortly afterwards. The eight passengers who were in the minibus at the time of the accident were able to free themselves from the vehicle despite their injuries.

Volunteer Fire Department Sigmund

The Bruneck White Cross provided first aid to the injured. All eight people were then taken to the nearby Bruneck hospital. The St. Sigmund fire department supported the rescue service and also carried out the clean-up work at the accident site. The fire department also supported the towing service in recovering the crashed vehicle.

The operation lasted until about 6:20 a.m. In addition to the St. Sigmund fire department, the Bruneck Carabinieri, the Bruneck White Cross, a towing service and the Vintl road service were also on site. Despite the unfortunate incident, it is gratifying that all those affected were able to free themselves and did not suffer any life-threatening injuries.