
This is what is known about the suspected assassin Ryan R.

This is what is known about the suspected assassin Ryan R.

In the “New York Times” In 2023, R. appeared as the protagonist in an article about Americans who want to volunteer to fight in Ukraine. It said that Ryan R., “a former construction worker from Greensboro, North Carolina, was looking for recruits among Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban.” His plan was apparently to “illegally bring the Afghans from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine” if necessary. One could probably “buy some passports through Pakistan because it is such a corrupt country,” R. told reporters from the New York Times. It is not known whether Ryan R. was successful with his plans.

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Source: t-online

On the day of Putin's invasion of the Ukraine war in Britain “Financial times” that R. was an American volunteer in Ukraine. At the age of 56, however, he was told that he was too old to fight. According to the report, Ryan R. instead set up a tent on Maidan Square in Kiev to coordinate foreign volunteers and began to build a memorial for the fallen.

The online medium “Semafor” In 2023, R. complained about problems in bringing volunteer fighters to Ukraine: “Most state authorities do not want these soldiers,” he said. Every week he had different partners with [dem ukrainischen Verteidigungsministerium] brought together and revealed that the agency “still could not persuade it to agree to issue a single visa,” said Ryan R.

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