
Eight injured by overturned bicycle mobile! – Nachrichten AG

Eight injured by overturned bicycle mobile! – Nachrichten AG

On Sunday, September 15, 2024, a serious accident occurred in Billigheim during the Purzelmarkt parade involving a homemade “bicycle mobile”. The vehicle went out of control on a sloping stretch and hit eight spectators, including four children. In total, seven people were only slightly injured and taken to local hospitals, while one adult was seriously injured and hospitalized. The damage to two parked cars is estimated at around 40,000 euros. Due to the incident, the parade was immediately canceled.

The police in Landau suspect a technical defect in the brake system of the bicycle mobile. The vehicle was checked for more detailed investigations. To determine the cause of the accident, the police are asking for witness reports, especially from people who took pictures or videos during the parade on Landauer Strasse. Anyone interested can send these recordings to the email address [email protected]. Further information on this incident can be found here.

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