
They risked their lives for the TV show “7 vs. Wild”

They risked their lives for the TV show “7 vs. Wild”

“7 vs. Wild”: New season will be riskier than ever

“It was life-threatening. The naked fight for survival!” This is not the opinion of an inexperienced city plant after the extreme experience of being on his own in the wilderness, but of a true survivalist. Survival blogger Joe Vogel (40) spoke of the “Absolutely the craziest situations you can imagine”. For the fourth season of the outdoor reality series “7 vs. Wild” (available on Amazon Prime this fall), seven participants were left in a remote mountain valley in Wanaka, New Zealand, to survive with minimal equipment.

Julia Beautx: Filming “7 vs. Wild” pushed her to her limits

With nighttime temperatures as low as 1 degree (during filming in May), they froze in their tents and had to find their own food. Tough conditions! Is that still entertainment or is it going too far? “You will feel very, very sorry for me – just because of how wrecked I looked”reports actress Julia Beautx (25) in a new TikTok video. “It was the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my life.”and I honestly don’t know if it can be topped in any way.” Injuries, wild animals, frostbite, starvation: What she and her comrades like Joey Kelly (51) or fitness influencer Flying Uwe (37) had to deal with in detail seems to have crossed a line.

Text by: Meike Rhoden

This article first appeared in the print edition of IN. You can read more exciting star news in the current IN – new at the kiosk every second Wednesday.

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