
Car crashes into tree – driver seriously injured! – Nachrichten AG

Car crashes into tree – driver seriously injured! – Nachrichten AG

A 65-year-old man from Aldenhoven came off the road on Saturday afternoon on the L 228 from Merzenhausen towards Aldenhoven and crashed into a tree. The driver remained trapped in the vehicle, which required a crash rescue by the Aldenhoven and Freialdenhoven fire departments, who removed the roof of the car. The injured man was immediately treated by an emergency doctor and an ambulance, and a rescue helicopter was also deployed to transport him to the Aachen University Hospital.

The Düsseldorf police are supporting the accident report while investigations are underway to determine the cause of the accident. Due to the measures, the L 228 was closed in both directions. More details can be found in a current report on

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