
This thriller about a cruel drama in the mountains is a must for Fitzek and Charlotte Link fans

This thriller about a cruel drama in the mountains is a must for Fitzek and Charlotte Link fans

Do you want suspense until the end? How about this thriller, which has been nominated for the German Friedrich Glauser Prize 2024?

An isolated village in the mountains, inhabited by hermits who at first glance seem strange. The inhabitants of the valley are suspicious of the mountain dwellers and view them with skepticism. When a young girl is kidnapped, the situation escalates. In this article, you will find out why the thriller “Wolfskinder” by Vera Buck should not be missing from your bedside table.

Wolfskinder: The thriller sensation from Germany - nominated for the Glauser Prize 2024!

Wolfskinder: The thriller sensation from Germany – nominated for the Glauser Prize 2024!

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The thriller “Wolfskinder” by Vera Buck

Years ago, a young girl named Juli disappeared in a mountainous region. Her best friend and now journalist Smilla is still looking for her friend years after the disappearance. When another girl disappears in the area, the first similarities between the cases become apparent and Smilla decides to track down the truth on her own. Further clues follow when a neglected girl jumps in front of the journalist's car one day. What happened to this young girl and is her friend even still alive? Meanwhile, the situation between the valley residents and the mountain dwellers who live without modern technology continues to escalate. The latter are viewed as suspicious due to their isolated way of life in their settlement and have to endure repeated hostility from the valley residents. On which side of the mountain does the vile really live?

Is it worth reading “Wolf Children”?

Are you in the mood for an atmospherically dark thriller? Then you're doing everything right with “Wolfskinder” by young author Vera Buck. The talented writer has already been nominated for the Friedrich Glauser Prize for the second time – in 2016 for her debut novel “Runa” and in 2024 for her first thriller “Wolfskinder”. The book captivates with its dark and mysterious atmosphere, which is reinforced above all by the interestingly chosen premise of a remote mountain village with secretive residents and a dark forest. The attacks on the mountain dwellers are increasing because they are branded as strange loners by the people living in the valley. In addition, several young women are missing in this already devastated area, which causes the mistrust to grow over the course of the plot and leads to an escalation. But in the end the question arises: which side can look into the deepest human abysses?

I am Thriller “Wolf Children” Young author Vera Buck has created a strong and opaque atmosphere full of human depths that offers plenty of suspense for readers. Combined with numerous secrets that you will uncover as you read, this thriller offers a gripping reading experience.

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