
Four injured after car crash! – Nachrichten AG

Four injured after car crash! – Nachrichten AG

The Dinslaken fire department was called to a serious traffic accident in the Eppinghoven district on Saturday evening. For reasons that are still unclear, a car had left the road and crashed into a tree. All four passengers, some of whom were seriously injured, were trapped in the vehicle. The fire department arrived with several units, including the professional fire department and the rescue service. An emergency doctor who happened to be present had already administered first aid before other emergency doctors from Duisburg and Wesel arrived to assist.

The fire brigade not only provides fire protection, but also plays an active role in rescuing and caring for the injured. After initial treatment, the patients were transported to nearby hospitals depending on the severity of their injuries. The entire operation lasted over two hours before the firefighters returned to their stations. Further details about this incident can be found at

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