
People no longer google: Strong brand loyalty diluted – Google reacts with AI focus (Opinion)

People no longer google: Strong brand loyalty diluted – Google reacts with AI focus (Opinion)


Die Google Web Search has been on the market for over two and a half decades and has been the dominant search engine for most of that time. That's not going to change any time soon, but usage habits may be changing and shrinking the market. We've already reported that the younger generation is no longer Googling – but what does that mean for the company?

People no longer google: Strong brand loyalty diluted – Google reacts with AI focus (Opinion)

Google has dominated the search engine market for over two decades and chances are that it will continue to do so for years to come – possibly until the end of the classic search engine as such. Just a few days ago it was announced that Generation Z no longer googles, but instead searches for information on the Internet. In most cases you will still end up on Google, but the natural connection between the activity and the product of Google Inc. seems to have been lost.

It is difficult to say whether this is a problem for Google or not. It is well known that at the beginning of the millennium Google was rather unhappy about the development and spread of the verb “google”. Marketing could not have been better, but in the long term this could have caused problems with trademark protection – which never happened. The concerns at the time no longer play a role today, but the marketing effect is of course lost.

Because people only googled on Google, everything else was/is unthinkable. Nobody googles on Bing. Nobody googles on ChatGPT or on social networks. You can google (=Google) or search (=everyone else), which underlined the outstanding position of the search engine on many levels. But if you only search today, Google is just one of many options.

Google prepared for search engine crash
Even though the search engine with the ten blue links is no longer what it used to be, it is still of enormous importance for the Internet, users and access to information. But that could change significantly in the next few years, because while search engines are boring and are only the start of a search, users get everything served up ready-made with AI chatbots.

Google probably knows that the importance of the search engine will one day decline – and then possibly at a rapid pace – so they are positioning themselves very broadly with the Gemini chatbot and integrating it into every conceivable product. If there is something that can actually replace a search engine, then it is (as of today) the chatbot. However, Google has missed the market and is only one of several providers alongside ChatGPT – and by far not the best in terms of quality.

Not much is likely to change in the next two to three years, but as a company of Google's size and continued dependence on the money printing machine, you have to be prepared for all eventualities.

» Googling is out: Generation Z is searching on the Internet again instead of Googling (study)

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