
“The Helene Fischer Show” 2024 will take place!

“The Helene Fischer Show” 2024 will take place!

For a long time it was not certain whether there would be a “Helene Fischer Show” in 2024. Now ZDF is dropping the bombshell.

Finally, there is certainty: There will be a “Helene Fischer Show” in 2024! ZDF announced this in a press release. “This year too, Helene Fischer welcomed her fans and the audience to a new spectacular edition of her show,” the broadcaster officially said.

“The Helene Fischer Show” on December 25, 2024

On December 25, 2024, ZDF, ORF and SRF will present the 180-minute “Helene Fischer Show” from the Düsseldorf exhibition hall. This time, too, Helene Fischer will offer her fans rousing music, energetic choreographies and surprising duets. “Now I can officially tell you that the 'Helene Fischer Show' will be back,” Helene Fischer even announced to her fans in a personal Instagram video and promised: There will be more from her in the future.

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