
When a train collides with a tank

When a train collides with a tank

The situation is familiar from film scenes and real video clips: A vehicle has crashed on a Railway crossing a breakdown or gets stuck on the tracks. If an oncoming train crashes into the vehicle, you can imagine what happens.

But how does that work duel out if a full-grown Tank Such an extraordinary situation occurred on Thursday in South Carolina.

By the way, nobody was injured in the accident. The military equipment is a M109 Paladin Howitzer – a self-propelled howitzer with a caliber of 155mm, which weighs around 24 tons. For comparison: The M1 Abrams Main battle tank has a mass of 61.3 tons.

➤ Read more: China: Missile destroys US tank with a single hit

Unusual bicycle stunt on a train

Let’s stay with trains: The professional mountain biker David Godziek has built a MTB track on a freight train together with his brother. While the train is moving, Godziek also rides his bike and jumps from wagon to wagon.

Since both are speed When you move, it looks as if Godziek is standing still and driving at the same time – the brain has to get used to this sight.

Moonwalk on a bicycle

The keyword “bicycle” brings us to the next video. It also shows a situation that our brain has to process first. A Moonwalk on a moving bicycle? This biker shows how it's done.

The English pronunciation is not so clear

Anyone who claims that English is a simple languagewhich is really easy to learn, you should watch the following video. There are even more highlights to be found on Bobby Finn's Instagram account.

The first audio devices

Finally, a special piece of technology. The following clip takes us on a journey through time and shows how a Phonograph cylinder by Thomas Edison from the year 1903 functions.

What’s in a 3 Euro ultrasonic cleaner from Temu?

Still not enough? Then watch Posted in the previous week There you saw, among other things, what the Ultrasonic cleaner for 3 euros from Temu is all about.

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