
“Sister Wives” fans look askance at Kody Brown after Garrison’s statement

“Sister Wives” fans look askance at Kody Brown after Garrison’s statement

Kody Brown and Janelle lost their son Garrison Brown in early March this year and are now talking about their loss. TLC fans heard what the Sisterwives Patriarch had to say, and they gave him a sideways glance rather than a hot roast. The reason for this was that it must be awful to have to bury a child.

Kody Brown talks about Garrison

This week Sisterwives Patriarch opened up People about the loss of Garrison Brown. Among other things, the TLC star said:

The hard part is giving up the future I saw for him, the excitement. It's strange when your child dies. The wave of grief is unlike any other wave of grief I've ever experienced. It's incompatible with the future we missed with him. We could have talked more. I got texts and we could have done so much more. It was kind of like we were going to be together forever. But in hindsight, there was more that could have been made up for. It was more like I had used the time.

Kody Brown also talked about how much his son loved him “Adventure,” and then he annoyed the TLC fans by talking about leaving and “Beer” with Garrison. It will be recalled that alcohol was considered a contributing factor in Garrion Brown's death. Sisterwives Star also said: “I want him to try to make me laugh, because that's how he was.” Then he noticed that his “just regret” is the lack of “Time.”

Sister Wives fans cast a sideways glance at the TLC star

To RedditNot many people felt sorry for the man who was estranged from his son. However, not many of them were dejected and mocked him either, for death is a terrible shock. One member of the church wrote:

Saying he wished he'd invited him out for a beer was awkward considering what Janelle said about the drug issues. I'm going to give him a little leeway because he's in deep grief, but I'm looking at him suspiciously.

Garrison Brown - Instagram
Garrison Brown – Instagram

This does not mean that no Sisterwives Fans have been poking fun at Kody Brown. But much of it was expressed as confusion about what he said. Here are some of those observations:

  • …He talks about him like he's an old friend from high school, where they naturally grew apart and went their separate ways, which would be acceptable… but that's your kid!
  • Death is a tragedy. The way Kody interacted with Garrison and Gabe on the show (which aired in 2022?) was very sad. I am NOT saying the two things are connected, depression is complicated. However, I hope they were able to reconcile before Garrison's death, for Kody and the family's sake.
  • “Tragic accident”????? His son was so distraught that he saw no other way out. It's tragic that Kody treated his children so poorly. It's tragic that Kody doesn't seem to realize that his behavior and treatment of the OG women and their children may have been the straw that broke the camel's back that ruined his son. He doesn't have the self-awareness to realize that he is the problem.

What do you think about what Kody Brown said about Garrison Brown? Do you agree that the critics could have attacked him much harder than they did? Give your opinion in the comments below and remember to come back here often for all your Sisterwives News, updates and spoilers.

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