
Munich woman looks for tickets for Luke Mockridge and is immediately ridiculed

Munich woman looks for tickets for Luke Mockridge and is immediately ridiculed

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Luke Mockridge received a lot of backlash for his controversial statements about the Paralympics. The anger is now also directed at a woman from Munich who wants to attend one of the comedian's shows despite the scandal.

Munich – Luke Mockridge (35) has probably not made any new friends with his controversial comments about para-athletes. After statements from a podcast that were perceived as discriminatory were made public, the 35-year-old experienced a shitstorm that made all kinds of headlines. Some celebrities also turned their backs on the stand-up comedian. He was remorseful and can at least still count on some loyal fans after the scandal.

Scandal surrounding Luke Mockridge – just before the next “Funny Times” dates

While Sat.1 ended its collaboration with Luke Mockridge (for now?), the controversial jokester has other dates coming up in a few days, which have not yet been cancelled despite the criticism. The next show on his “Funny Times” tour is scheduled to take place in Paderborn on Friday (September 13th). This will also take him to Munich on September 25th, where Luke Mockridge will appear at the already sold-out Technikum in the Werksviertel.

The son of cabaret artist and television star Bill Mockridge (77) seems to be extremely popular in the Bavarian capital: While there are still tickets available for Cologne (October 31) or Stuttgart (November 5), Munich residents who missed out have to resort to ticket exchanges. There are plenty of corresponding groups on social networks, primarily on Facebook. The group “Fair Tickets Munich” is particularly popular and now has a good 36,000 members.

Luke Mockridge's show in Munich sold out: Fan is harassed for requesting tickets

When a user contacted them on Tuesday evening (September 10) and expressed her interest in two tickets for Luke Mockridge, malicious comments were not long in coming. “Shouldn't they be in the trash as 'free to give away'?” mocked one user. Another user was even more sharp-tongued, relying on another controversial celebrity for his not-so-serious answer: “Sorry, I just sold them to Gil Ofarim.” Both comments were given more than two dozen likes by other group members.

Comedian Luke Mockridge.
Comedian Luke Mockridge's “Funny Times” tour will take him to Munich at the end of September. Anyone looking for tickets for the sold-out event in the Werkviertel will face a lot of resistance in light of the current headlines. © Beautiful Sports/Imago

Others, however, support the woman from Munich, who certainly did not want to start another discussion with her ticket request. “It's questionable why personal opinions are being expressed again. This is not a discussion forum!” complains one user about the sometimes malicious reactions under the post. The lady is ultimately helped: Several Facebook users point out to her that although the tickets will be sold out, some tickets are still available on the secondary market of a well-known provider.

For the comedian himself, however, a show is hanging in the balance, as reports: A performance in the town hall in Castrop-Rauxel is threatened with cancellation. The “Haus der Springmaus” in Bonn, founded by Luke Mockridge's father, has already canceled. Sources used:,,

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