
CM announces gradual expansion of Atal schools

CM announces gradual expansion of Atal schools

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurated the 2024-25 academic year of all 18 Atal Residential Schools in the state at a ceremony at Atal Residential School in Mohanlalganj on Thursday.

During the event, Prime Minister Yogi announced a phased plan to expand schools with the aim of increasing their number to 2,000.

According to him, in the second phase, 57 similar schools will be set up as composite schools in different districts, while in the third phase, this initiative will be extended to all the 350 tehsils of Uttar Pradesh. In the fourth phase, such schools will be set up in 825 development blocks and in the fifth phase, they will reach the Nyaya Panchayat level.

Ultimately, 2,000 such schools will be set up across the state to provide quality education to children. Chief Minister Yogi also announced that the 57 new schools will accommodate students from grades 1 to 12 and will also include Bal Vatikas.

During the ceremony, Prime Minister Yogi distributed school bags and textbooks to the students of Class 6 and 9. He also awarded prizes and certificates to the top three students of Class 6 in the academic year 2023-24. The Prime Minister also gave away awards to Vigyan Ratna and students who are leading in sports and other activities. The students impressed Prime Minister Yogi with their welcome performances, including dance routines.

In his address, Prime Minister Yogi said, “The revered Atalji often said that no power in the world can prevent a society that successfully combats illiteracy and poverty from becoming secure and prosperous. He considered illiteracy and poverty as the greatest enemies of society.”

Yogi added, “Scarcity is caused by poverty, idleness, anarchy, corruption and division. Where corruption and anarchy prevail, there is also disorder, lawlessness, an unsafe environment and lack of respect for all. Moreover, when society lacks proper leadership, illiteracy spreads rapidly and a significant section of the population falls victim to it. This leads to widespread poverty, hunger and deprivation. With his vast experience of life, the revered Atalji expressed these insights in his words and poems. When he got the opportunity to lead the government, he implemented a comprehensive plan of action to tackle these deep-rooted problems at the root.”

Prime Minister Yogi stressed that a civilised and efficient society or nation can only be achieved through the education of its people. He said, “Atal Residential Schools should set a benchmark for quality education. Every child, irrespective of caste, appearance, region or language, should have equal access to the country's resources without discrimination. To ensure this right, Atal Residential Schools have been established as a model of inclusive education.”

Sharing his experience of interacting with students, Chief Minister Yogi stressed that talent is not bound by caste, opinion or religion and can emerge anywhere. He added that it is the responsibility of the government to provide the right opportunities and platforms for talent to flourish.

Criticising those who engage in divisive politics, Prime Minister Yogi asked, “How can people who foment caste conflicts and create social discord in the name of social justice understand the pain of poverty?”

He asked if those who have never experienced poverty and have a long history of exploiting others and spreading anarchy can truly understand the struggle of the registered workers of the BOC Board or the plight of children who have lost their parents or guardians during the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to him, these people have neither the time nor the inclination to understand such suffering as they are solely focused on their political goals. Their only aim, he explained, is to divide people for political reasons. They do not want the underprivileged to escape poverty, misery or illiteracy because if that happens, their divisive politics will collapse. They intend to push society towards division by any means necessary.

Chief Minister Yogi pointed out that previous governments had the necessary resources but failed to provide educational opportunities to the underprivileged. He stressed that the establishment of Atal Residential Schools was aimed at undermining the foundations of those who want to create chaos, anarchy and mafia influence in the education sector.

Explaining the upcoming action plan, Chief Minister Yogi said, “Funds have been allocated to the Basic Education Council for setting up schools in 57 districts in the next session. These schools will provide education to every underprivileged child in the state without discrimination. The schools will be known as CM Composite Schools and in the third phase, the initiative will be extended to all tehsils. One school will be built in each of the 350 tehsils in the state. In the fourth phase, similar schools will be set up in 825 development blocks to ensure that no poor child is deprived of quality education.”

He added, “In the fifth phase, the plan will be extended to the Nyaya Panchayat level, which will result in the coming up of 2,000 schools across the state dedicated to providing excellent education. The 57 new schools will accommodate students from grade 1 to 12, with Bal Vatika being constructed. The admission of children from pre-primary to pre-primary education, age 3 to 5, is a hopeful and optimistic step towards preparing the new generation for future schooling.”

These schools will also provide sports facilities and regular health check-ups as Prime Minister Yogi stressed that only healthy children can contribute to building a healthy society.

Chief Minister Yogi urged teachers to focus on the holistic development of students and stressed the need for their physical, mental and intellectual growth. He stressed that every child's talent should be nurtured and showcased to the society without discrimination.

He stressed that no child should be exposed to prejudice and that students should be made to understand that their primary goal is to put their country above all else.

“A sense of total devotion to the nation should be fostered in them. Working with this mindset will contribute to the success of these institutions and inspire others to join this endeavour,” he affirmed.

Prime Minister Yogi expressed his happiness that many people had offered their support in building these schools after seeing the model of Atal Residential Schools.

In his address, Chief Minister Yogi directed the management of Atal Residential Schools to conduct the written examinations for the students of Class 6 and 9 by June 15 next year and ensure that the admissions are completed by July 15 and the academic session begins on August 1.

He also directed that meetings with parents should be held twice a year to keep them informed and involved. He stressed that parents should be involved in their children's future and encourage their success in the community so that others can also benefit.

Prime Minister Yogi stressed that admissions should be based on merit and not on recommendations as this will lead to positive results.

He also called for the organisation of sports and cultural competitions in the Atal Residential Schools at least once a year. The annual festival will recognise and honour outstanding students at both school and state level.

On the occasion, Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak, Labour and Employment Minister Anil Rajbhar, Minister of State Manohar Lal (Mannu Kori), Lucknow Mayor Sushma Kharkwal, MLC Ramchandra Pradhan, Engineer Avnish Kumar Singh, Lal Ji Prasad Nirmal, MLA Jaya Devi, Amresh Kumar, OP Srivastava, Chief Secretary Manoj Kumar Singh and Principal Secretary (Labour and Employment) Anil Kumar were present.

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