
Deutsche Bahn points out “invisible markings” – Network explains modern technology

Deutsche Bahn points out “invisible markings” – Network explains modern technology

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A warning sign from Deutsche Bahn raises questions for a Reddit user. He asks for help online – but not everyone is enthusiastic about the question.

Berlin – There are always strange signs in supermarkets or public places that cause confusion. Just recently, an unclear place name sign made drivers pause. A toilet sign in a swimming pool also caused questioning looks. However, a new sign in Italy caused excitement.

On social networks such as Facebook and X (formerly Twitter), users regularly share their bizarre discoveries. Now a Reddit user came across a warning sign from Deutsche Bahn – according to which the use of “artificial DNA” is supposed to convict perpetrators. He now asked the social network how exactly this is supposed to work.

Mystery surrounding Deutsche Bahn’s strange warning sign is solved by users

He posted a picture of the DB sign in the subreddit “WerWieWas”. The photographed sign reads: “Warning – invisible markings!” The artificial DNA leads to the perpetrator and makes metals unsellable!” His question: “How does that work?” The majority of Reddit users have an answer ready in the comments.

One writes: “This is most often done with copper cables. The police can subsequently examine the sold copper strands and, if necessary, track down the seller and thus also the suspected perpetrator.” “Parts such as cables are sprayed and marked with DNA or kDNA. This marking is not visible at first, but as soon as you shine a UV lamp on them, the markings become visible. This prevents the sale and catches the perpetrators. But it does not prevent theft. “The sign is intended to draw attention to the marking and deter the perpetrators,” explains another.

Metal thefts are not uncommon at Deutsche Bahn

For another Reddit user, Deutsche Bahn's measure is still not entirely clear: “Why does this sign warn about this?” I can't imagine a sensible place or use for this sign in connection with Deutsche Bahn. Can someone enlighten me?”

An explanation follows promptly: “Cable theft is a common problem on railway lines, as large amounts of copper can be stolen relatively easily.” “The route network is simply far too long to monitor and runs mostly through remote areas where thieves go unnoticed,” explains one user.

And the user is not wrong. Deutsche Bahn reported that it had been affected by 450 cases of metal theft last year, reports the German Press Agency (dpa). “In a long-term comparison, the number of cases has fallen sharply, by around 90 percent,” a railway spokesman told the dpaIn 2013 there were still around 3200 cases.

Deutsche Bahn: Use of artificial DNA to combat metal theft

Upon request from IPPEN.MEDIA A railway spokeswoman explains: “Together with the Association of German Metal Traders, DB has initiated a special certification. This will make it easier to identify stolen railway-specific parts and reliably check them when purchasing them.”

She explains the procedure: “Thanks to the application of artificial DNA, stolen material can be clearly identified.” To do this, the DB sprays a liquid with a DNA code on it that is invisible to criminals. This DNA becomes visible under UV light: a holographic DB logo can then be seen under a microscope. A second code reveals where the material was stolen. If the metal thieves try to remove the marking by sawing the metal parts or removing cable sheaths, the DNA material ends up on tools, clothing and hands. Using ultraviolet light, proof of the theft is quickly provided.”

The posted post causes displeasure – Reddit user reacts annoyed

While the majority are happy to answer, one user is confused by the question. He posts a Wikipedia entry in the comments and complains: “Have you all forgotten how to use search engines?” It's really amazing how often I see posts from the sub that would have taken just a few seconds of a Google search. You don't have to know everything, but I think that being able to source information is a very important skill.”

While a few users defended the question as legitimate, another joked: “Without such easily googled questions, many a smartass would soon be suffering from constipation.” Another Reddit user was mocking when he posted on the social network about his habit in the supermarket.

Metal thefts at Deutsche Bahn – perpetrators face prison sentences

According to the Federal Police, metal theft is an increasingly serious problem. Metal theft not only causes “significant economic damage to affected companies” but can also cause train delays and cancellations, as in the case of Deutsche Bahn AG, the authority warns. In February, metal thieves brought rail traffic to a halt near Frankfurt.

“What the perpetrators do not expect are the claims for damages from DB.” “They are not limited to the value of the material, but also to the costs resulting from the restrictions in train traffic,” the railway spokeswoman told IPPEN.MEDIA“For metal parts worth 100 euros, the damages can quickly amount to several hundred thousand euros.” A prison sentence can also be expected. “According to the criminal code, theft is punishable by a prison sentence of up to five years. “In particularly serious cases or if rail traffic is endangered, the prison sentence can even be up to ten years,” the railway spokeswoman continued. (vw)

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