
Pakistani mother and daughters drown in water tank in “murder-suicide”

Pakistani mother and daughters drown in water tank in “murder-suicide”

A Pakistani mother and two of her daughters drowned in a water tank. It was probably a murder-suicide case.

The tragic incident occurred in a house in Landhi, Karachi.

The three people found in the water tank were identified as 35-year-old Sheila and her two young daughters Yusra and Roohab.

Sheila's husband runs a scrap metal business and was away at the time.

According to reports from relatives, Sheila, a mother of three children, was struggling with mental health problems.

Residents and neighbors familiar with Sheila's problems confirmed that she had previously had mental health problems.

They also said that there had been incidents involving their children before.

According to police, the Pakistani mother pushed her three daughters into a water tank and then jumped in herself.

Police have collected evidence at the crime scene and launched an investigation.

The drowned children were rescued from the tank by a polio vaccination team present on site.

According to reports, one of the daughters managed to escape from the tank before her mother jumped in.

After pushing the children into the tank, the mother reportedly tried to rescue them.

It is believed that all three tragically died during this rescue attempt.

The surviving daughter knocked on the door from inside, whereupon the polio team rushed to help.

A neighbor reported that his cousin had informed him of the incident by phone.

Attempts to contact the husband, Ali Rehman, were unsuccessful as his number was switched off.

When the neighbor arrived at the scene, the bodies of the mother and her two daughters had already been recovered.

The surviving daughter reported that her mother called her to the water tank under the pretext of showing them fish.

According to the daughter, the mother jumped in after pushing the two into the tank.

It is common for people to lose their lives due to mental health problems.

In July 2024, an incident occurred in Abbottabad in which a mother slit the throats of her three children.

Law enforcement confirmed that the suspect, who reportedly struggles with mental health issues, attacked her own children with a sharp object.

Tragically, the youngest of the three children, an eight-month-old baby, lost his life at the scene of the accident, while the other two children suffered serious injuries.

Fortunately, the injured children were able to receive medical help in time.

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