
Reconciliation excluded: Drama of Wollny daughter Calantha

Reconciliation excluded: Drama of Wollny daughter Calantha


Calantha Wollny now homeless? Mama Silvia tough – “She left voluntarily”

Harsh words from Silvia Wollny: The mother of eleven recently addressed the quarrel between the extended family and daughter Calantha in a question and answer session.

Hückelhoven – Harsh words from Silvia Wollny (59): The mother of eleven recently addressed the quarrel between the extended family and “problem” daughter Calantha (24) in a question and answer session. However, there was no sign of reconciliation – quite the opposite.

Silvia Wollny (59) again addressed the quarrel between the extended family and daughter Calantha (24) in a question and answer session. © Photomontage: Instagram/wollnysilvia

Can the weeks between the 24-year-old and the rest of her family be smoothed over again? At the moment, it definitely doesn't look like it will happen.

Once again, mother and daughter have made serious accusations against each other on Instagram.

The latest Wollny drama began a few days ago after Calantha told her 60,000 followers about her homelessness. She and her partner had lost their apartment a long time ago, currently had no roof over their heads and were therefore always finding shelter with friends.

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Silvia Wollny
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However, there is no room for the 24-year-old in her hometown of Hückelhoven, because Calantha is no longer welcome in her parents' house, she revealed in her story.

It's no wonder that Wollny fans were alert to the TV celebrity's recent claims and asked more questions during an Instagram question and answer session to which family head Silvia had invited them on Monday evening.

The mother of eleven didn’t exactly mince her words!

Silvia Wollny on Instagram

Calantha Wollny has been at war with her family for months

Calantha Wollny (24) revealed to her Instagram fans that she currently has no permanent residence.

Calantha Wollny (24) revealed to her Instagram fans that she currently has no permanent residence. © Photomontage: Instagram/calantha_wollny_official

When a follower wanted to know why the Wollny boss let her daughter “live on the street,” she simply replied: “She went voluntarily.” But that's not all!

Another user clearly positioned himself behind his idol, telling Silvia that Calantha was “just looking for attention” and was behaving “ridiculously”.

“Thank you. That's the way it is and that's exactly why we're not saying anything about it. So many contradictions…”, the grandmother of many years obliged the user and made no secret of the fact that the resentment towards her daughter is still pretty great.

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Silvia Wollny
Silvia Wollny in a wheelchair! Family boss posts disturbing picture from the hospital

Meanwhile, Calantha had already taken other measures to get by: In her story on Monday evening, the Wollny daughter had shared a donation link and, according to her own statements, had booked a hostel with the money donated by her fans.

The latest Instagram stories make it clear once again that the bond between the 24-year-old and her family has probably been broken for good.

Cover photo: Photo montage: Instagram/wollnysilvia, Instagram/calantha_wollny_official

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