
Jon Bon Jovi saves a woman’s life

Jon Bon Jovi saves a woman’s life

Jon Bon Jovi (62) helped a “desperate” woman from the railing of a bridge in Nashville, Tennessee. Apparently the woman was about to attempt suicide. Video footage shows the singer standing on the bridge railing and talking to the woman before bringing her to safety.

Jon Bon Jovi and one woman help the other woman

The US singer was reportedly filming a video for his song “The People's House” on the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge when the woman was spotted on the other side of the railing. Video footage released by local police shows the Bon Jovi frontman and a woman walking down the middle of the bridge on Tuesday evening.

They slowly approach the woman before the singer opens up to the railing and starts talking to her. The woman, who was with Jon Bon Jovi, stroked the woman on the bridge railing on the back while both encouraged her to get to safety. They are then seen helping the woman climb back over the railing. The musician then hugs her and they stand together for about a minute before walking back down the bridge together.

Police: “A big compliment to Jon Bon Jovi and his team”

The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department posted the video on its YouTube channel and stated on “X” that the singer had helped a “distressed woman.” In a post on the social media platform, the police wrote: “Kudos to @jonbonjovi and his team who helped a woman on the Seigenthaler Ped Bridge on Tuesday night. Bon Jovi helped her get off the edge” above the Cumberland River to safety.

The YouTube video has since been deleted.

Help with depression and suicidal thoughts is available from the telephone counseling service on the free number: 0800/111 0 111

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