
Latest news on the Trump vs. Harris debate: Rivals clash again at 9/11 event; what body language revealed during debate | US News

Latest news on the Trump vs. Harris debate: Rivals clash again at 9/11 event; what body language revealed during debate | US News

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump just shook hands for the second time in about 12 hours (see previous post).

It is safe to say that the first time – at the beginning of yesterday's debate – it was a little uncomfortable.

Our colleagues at NBC assessed the body language of the two during the debate – here are four things they noticed.

Harris enters Trump's sphere of power

Mrs Harris walked across the stage into the former president's area and shook his hand right at the start – as he walked straight to his lectern.

This was a confident move and set the tone for the entire debate – she had initiated the move.

Trump leans forward and avoids eye contact

The former president spent much of the night hunched over, his hands on the lectern.

He did not look at Ms Harris, and when he mentioned her, he simply pointed his finger in her direction.

This was one of the clearest signs that Trump was becoming increasingly nervous.

Harris tilts his head and shakes it

During the debate, Ms Harris sometimes tilted her head or shook it in disbelief.

She even smiled at some of Mr Trump's comments, placing her hand to her chin in an exaggerated gesture as if to convey that she was listening to a tall tale.

Her performance was completely different from Joe Biden's disastrous performance at the CNN debate in June.

Harris looks into the camera

During her answers, Ms. Harris looked directly into the camera several times.

She wanted to emphasize the message that Trump himself had gotten himself into trouble and thus open a new chapter in history.

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